The WMRC does not tolerate corrupt or other improper conduct.
Committed to the aims and objectives of the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2003 (PID Act), the WMRC:
- Strongly supports contractors and members of the community making disclosures about corrupt or improper conduct.
- Does not tolerate any of its employees, contractors or subcontractors taking reprisal action against anyone who makes or proposes to make a public interest disclosure.
- Will take all reasonable steps to protect employees from any detrimental action in reprisal for the making of a public interest disclosure.
- Will respond to anyone making a disclosure thoroughly and impartially.
- Will treat all people in the disclosure process fairly, including those who may be the subject of a disclosure.
Our commitment to reporting Public Interest information is set out in our PID Guidelines document.
What is a Public Interest Disclosure?
Public Interest Disclosures (PIDs) or ‘whistleblowing’, is the reporting of improper conduct within government agencies.
A disclosure is reporting a serious wrongdoing by a public authority, staff member or contractor that poses risk to the rights, health or finances of the public.
Examples of disclosure include misconduct, corruption, misuse of public resources, dishonest administration, or danger to public health and safety.
What is Disclosable Conduct?
- Improper conduct
- Dishonest or inefficient administration
- An abuse of public trust or public position
- Misuse of public resources
- A substantial and specific danger to public health or safety
- A substantial and specific danger to the environment
- Motives that are unreasonable, unjust, oppressive or negligent
- A criminal offence
What’s not disclosable conduct?
- Instances where a person disagrees with government policy or proposed policy action
- Expenditure or proposed expenditure related to such policy or action
Reporting a Disclosure
Contact your Public Interest Disclosure Officer (PID) first. They can determine:
- how to make the disclosure and who you should disclose to
- your rights and responsibilities
- the protections that will apply
- whether the information you have is covered by the Act.
Alternative Avenues
If your public interest disclosure is about the WMRC, you may want to contact:
- The Public Sector Commission
- The Corruption and Crime Commission for serious misconduct
- Western Australia Police for criminal matters
- Ombudsman Western Australia for matters governing administration affecting individuals
- Equal Opportunity Commission Western Australia for matters regarding discrimination.
Your identity is protected and remains confidential. Your identity can be disclosed with your consent or in certain circumstances according to the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2003. If you choose to disclose your identity, the PID Officer will record this on the PID Disclosure of Identifying Info Form.
Please refer to the WMRC PID Guidelines for more information about the PID process and how your confidentiality is protected or contact a PID Officer.
Who are the WMRC’s PID Officers?
- Stefan Frodsham, Chief Executive Officer,
- Alexandra Bell, Manager Finance & Governance,
- Call 9384 4003 week days, 8.30am – 4.30pm.
- Alternatively visit the PID website.
- Forms
- Links & Policies