Managing waste wisely

Member & Participating Councils

Our Member Councils are:

Our Participating Councils are  Town of Cambridge and  City of Nedlands.

We manage waste for our Member Councils; our Participating Councils buy certain services from us. We also provide specified services on a contractual basis to several other Local Governments.

Together, our member councils have a combined population just over 50,000 residents. This shared services model of waste management is cost effective for smaller councils, saving residents and rate payers money.

What’s in it for residents and ratepayers?

  • Free mulch – WMRC is closing the loop on greenwaste recycling and offering free mulch to its residents
  • Free drop off of a range of items not recycled through kerbside collection, including polystyrene, cooking oil, plant pots, x-rays, clothing and more.
  • Centralised Household Hazardous Waste drop-off location – for items that cannot be disposed of in any kerbside bin, including batteries, paint, aerosols, electronic waste, pesticides, pool chemicals, smoke detectors and more.
  • Competitive and discounted rates for bulky waste management, including greenwaste, bulk waste and C&D waste, at the West Metro Recycling Centre (open 7 days).
  • Home of the innovative Verge Valet system – a simple booked online bulk verge waste collection service keeping verges tidy. Visit Verge Valet to see if your council has opted in to this service.
  • Recycling Hotline service – no bots! A dedicated helpline answered by a real person in office hours to assist residents with their waste, recycling and Verge Valet queries.
  • Centralised location, making managing waste wisely easier for western suburbs residents.
  • Opportunity to support local not-for-profit organisations like Paraquad Industries, FairGame and GiveWrite by dropping off your old clothes, Containers for Change containers, sports equipment and writing equipment. Read more about our reuse options here.
  • Access to a variety of community waste wise programs that help residents reduce and managing household waste wisely – including community  Workshops, free Facility Tours, free school programs,  a Volunteer Program, factsheets, schools programs and more.

What’s in it for Member Councils?

Expertise, advocacy, strategic support and cost-effectiveness!

  • An authoritative and respected waste management voice in State Government consultations, advocating for the needs of its member councils.
  • Advice and assistance in writing and submitting waste plans that meet DWER’s approval.
  • Home of Verge Valet™ system – cost-effective online booked bulk verge waste collection service.
  • A Waste to Energy contract to recover energy from residual waste from 2024.
  • Timely communication of issues and changes in the waste arena – WMRC’s representation on several key waste steering groups on behalf of its member councils puts WMRC at the forefront of changes in waste. Member councils and residents benefit from WMRC’s membership and active involvement in groups like WALGA, WMRR, WENG (Waste Educators Networking Group), CCC (Consistent Communications Collective), among others. Knowing what’s on in waste first and responding accordingly helps everyone manage their waste wisely sooner.
  • Exclusive facility tours for Member Council Teams – waste contextualised = greater understanding of the depth and breadth of waste issues.
  • Easy and convenient access to hazardous waste drop off and specialist recycling services to help residents reduce kerbside waste collection and bin contamination.
  • A variety of targeted community waste programs, including waste education workshops and tours, bin tagging, recycling hotline and volunteer opportunities to help residents reduce and manage their waste wisely.
  • Recycle Right Membership – access to assets that help your residents put their waste in the right place.

Managing waste wisely matters!

Working together makes managing waste wisely more cost-effective too.