Managing waste wisely

Our Role & Services

The Western Metropolitan Regional Council (WMRC) is a local government organisation formed to provide specialist waste management services for its five Member Councils. These include waste transfer, community waste treatment and recycling, and waste education and promotion services.

WMRC operates on a ‘shared services’ model, efficiently providing collective services across Perth’s central western suburbs that would be impractical or unaffordable for our individual members to do for themselves.  This shared service model is ideal for our membership who have relatively small populations averaging less than 10,000 residents per council.

Under its  Strategic Community Plan, the WMRC actively seeks to provide services across the whole of Perth’s west central metropolitan area. In so doing we aim to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of waste management for residents, institutions, business and government throughout the region.

Our Purpose

To minimise and efficiently manage waste for Perth’s central western communities and organisations.

Our Vision

A world where waste and its impact on the environment is minimised.

Our Service Area

The Western Metropolitan Regional Council provides waste and recycling services to its Member and Participating Councils.

WMRC Guiding Principles

These Guiding Principles are an excerpt from the WMRC Strategic Community Plan 2019/20 to 2029/30. To view full version click here.