Drop off your empty plastic plant pots for FREE at the West Metro Recycling Centre.
Plastic plant pots are not recycled through kerbside collection. Dropping them off at the West Metro Recycling Centre saves them from landfill and allows them to be recycled into new products like crates, pots, compost bins, garden edging, irrigation fittings, building panels and much more!
√ What’s in |
x What’s out |
Plastic plant pots with the #5 plastic resin code on it. Please knock the loose dirt out.
Crinkly seedling trays
The plastic pots are collected by Claw Environmental and are shredded, washed and pelletised at their facility in Welshpool before being made into new items.
The West Metro Recycling Centre is open every day until 4pm. A list of recyclable items that can be dropped off for free can be found here.