Managing waste wisely

What waste goes where?

Do you know what to do with your waste?

We get it. Working out what waste goes where can be difficult.

The good news is that we can help you put your waste in the right place. Let’s start with your three kerbside bins.

Not sure if you have a FOGO system or a GO system? Check our FOGO information page or contact your council to find out.

I have a three-bin FOGO system

Food Organics Garden Organics
(green lid)



All food organics, including:
Vegetable and fruit scraps
Meat and bones
Teabags and coffee grounds
Dairy products
Take away food (no containers)
Any leftovers or food that has expired or is mouldy

Garden waste:
Small branches <1m
Grass clippings
Cut flowers
Common weeds

Recycling (yellow lid)

Recycling bin



Cardboard – flattened
Aluminum and steel cans – clean and empty
Glass bottles and jars – clean and empty
Paper – not shredded
Plastic bottles and containers – clean and empty (lids off)

If in doubt, leave it out!


General Waste (red lid)

Red-lid general waste bin

Soft plastics
Non-recyclable food packaging
Meat trays
Polystyrene food packaging
Disposable coffee cups
Broken crockery
Broken toys
Old toothbrushes
Used band-aids and cotton buds
Disposable/compostable/biodegradable cutlery

No batteries, electronic waste or aerosols – drop off at the West Metro Recycling Centre for FREE!

I have a three-bin GO system

Garden Organics
(green lid)

Garden Organics (GO) bin



Small branches <1m
Grass clippings
Cut flowers
Common weeds

Garden vegetation and lawn clippings. Nothing else!

Recycling (yellow lid)

Recycling bin



Cardboard – flattened
Aluminum and steel cans – clean and empty
Glass bottles and jars – clean and empty
Paper – not shredded
Plastic bottles and containers – clean and empty (lids off)

If in doubt, leave it out!


General Waste (red lid)

Food scraps
Soft plastics
Non-recyclable food packaging
Meat trays
Polystyrene food packaging
Disposable coffee cups
Broken crockery
Broken toys
Old toothbrushes
Used band-aids and cotton buds
Disposable/compostable/biodegradable cutlery

No batteries, electronic waste or aerosols – drop off at the West Metro Recycling Centre for FREE!

My waste item isn’t listed above!

Visit the Recycle Right A-Z Directory or download the Recycle Right app to help you put your waste in the right place!

If it can’t go in my kerbside bin, where can it go?

Reuse it

If it’s too good to throw away, gift it, share it, sell it or fix it. Find out what to do with used items in good condition here.

Take it to a drop-off point

Many items that can’t go in your kerbside bin and can’t be reused can be dropped off at the West Metro Recycling Centre.

Items to drop off


Household Hazardous Waste – including paint, aerosols, pesticides, household cleaners, pool chemicals, etc Free
E-waste – computers and electrical appliances Free
Problematic waste – including asbestos, refrigerated appliances, tyres, mattresses and bed bases Fees apply
Construction and demolition waste Fees apply
Greenwaste Fees apply
Bulk waste Fees apply
Polystyrene Free
Scrap metal – including old washing machines, tumble dryers and hot water systems Free

View the full list of accepted items and fees here.

Find an alternative drop-off point


Book Verge Valet®

Are you a Cambridge, Cottesloe, Mosman Park, Peppermint Grove, Subiaco or Vincent resident? If so, you can get rid of your unwanted bulk waste or greenwaste by booking a Verge Valet® collection! It’s a great option for bulky items that are beyond repair and can’t be reused or donated. Find out more about this on-demand collection service here.

How can I reduce my waste?

There are plenty of resources available to help you reduce your waste:

  • Sign up for one of our Low-Waste Workshops and we’ll help you drop a bin size
  • Download one of our handy factsheets on composting, reducing packaging, avoiding food waste and more
  • Sign up to our monthly Word on Waste newsletter
  • Join our Facebook or Instagram community and stay up to date with the latest news on waste
  • Visit the Waste Sorted website and find out how you can be a GREAT Sort


Contact Us

Still don’t know where something should go? Call the WMRC Recycling Hotline on 9384 6711 or email